Sunday, July 1, 2012

UPDATE: Oh Canada!

Stéphane just sent me an email, with a Canucks concept from him for Canada day.

When I was little, I asked my parents what a Canuck was, and they told me it meant a Canadian. This really confused me, because there was already a team in the NHL called the Canadiens (which I knew was the French version of Canadians). So for a while I thought that the Canucks and Canadiens were the same team.

Stéphane's concept reminded me of this story as soon as I looked at it. His purpose was simply to make a bit of a joke. I really do find it funny that two of the seven Canadian NHL teams have variants of the term "Canadian" as their nicknames. I also find it funny that three of the seven Canadian teams have a "C" shaped logo. Stéphane really play this up in this concept, a blending of the Canucks and Canadiens. Hockey is something that unites Canadians from coast to coast, but I think Stéphane may have taken that idea to the extreme with this brand blending concept.

As you will recognize this is a Canadiens home sweater done up in Canucks colours. The C shaped logo switches from the famous CH crest, to the Canucks Orca. This concept has alerted me to another similarity the Canucks and Canadiens share: the arm striping on the home jersey, it is uncanny how similar they are!

Stéphane is a big Lapierre fan, and was very sad to see him traded to Vancouver at the 2011 trade deadline. This concept is an attempt to ease Lapierre out of Vancouver and lure him back to Montréal. 

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